About: When applying to schools or employment overseas often time, it is required to prove that the degree received is equivalent to the respective country where the organization being applied to is located. Sometimes even if it is not a requirement it can make the package stronger and put the applicant in a better light. Another case is when the institution being applied to doesn’t use the same grading scheme, where by some schools may use percentile while others use Grade Point Average or GPA scale. This service will assist the applicant in equating the local degree to foreigh degree both translating in the local language and converting the grade scale to the specific scale of the institution being applied to. Standard Gateway will provide the assistance role collecting documents, processing payments, sending the package and receiving the final evaluated document as well as keeping communication with the applicant through the whole process.
Cost: It depends, it can be give or take $100
Duration: It depends, the whole process will be completed within 30 days in most cases.
Requesting the Service: If interested, please forward your documents (Transcript, Diploma, National ID, Passport, and any other relevant document) to sgserviceadmin.sg@standardgateway.com or reach out to info@standardgateway.com for more details